People who crave food loaded with flour, such as bread, crackers and pasta, are most likely addicted to flour. You’ve probably heard Oprah say she is thrilled that she can eat bread daily on her Weight Watchers Diet. She says she is obsessed with bread and I’m sure she is addicted to flour. By the way, I don’t think diets like Weight Watchers work long term. There is a much easier and healthier way to lose weight and keep it off permanently. The other addictive food is sugar. Candy, cookies, cakes, etc. fall into that category and that’s the food that had me hooked.

Our brain reacts the same way to sugar and flour as it does to cocaine and heroine. Cocaine comes from the coca leaf and is processed into a fine powder. Heroine comes from the poppy plant and is also processed into a fine powder. Sugar and flour are processed into a fine powder as well. When we eat refined sugar and flour, insulin is released into the blood and increased levels of insulin block the hormone leptin from working. Leptin is the hormone that tells your brain you are not hungry and you want to get active. When leptin is blocked in the brain, we never feel satisfied. Not feeling satisfied causes us to repeat this process over and over. In short, eating sugar and flour causes increased insulin which causes blocked leptin which causes constant hunger.

Many people do not get addicted to pain pills after surgery. They’re not sensitive to opiates but many are and often turn to cocaine or heroine after they can no longer obtain the pain pills. It’s the same with refined sugar and flour. Some people are not sensitive to refined sugar and flour but those who are often become addicted to them and have strong cravings for those types of food products.


If you think you might be addicted to sugar or flour, contact me so we can start the process of reducing the addiction.
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